PVIS Create Floral Arangements for AIS National Convention, 2022

Pecos Valley Iris Society members created many floral arrangements for display around the hotel and at the award banquet on April 16.  This was a task made difficult by the fact that the Irises were blooming very late in 2022 and there weren’t many blooming stalks to be found.  However, PVIS persevered and went to many of Mesilla Valley Iris Society members gardens to find enough stalks.  The hotel arrangements had New Mexico as theme.

The award banquet required 30 floral arrangements.  The award banquet centerpieces are an interpretation of “A New Mexico Sunset”.  They used native plants from the Thunder Head Ranch in Chavez County, NM which is owned by PVIS members Pegi and Carlton Smith.  The wood sticks are the “bones” of a Choya Cactus, and the wood slices are from a Poplar tree.  The pottery pieces were created by Melanie Deason.  One lucky attendee at each table won the centerpiece.