The 2022 American Iris Society Convention to be held April 11-16 at Las Cruces, NM will be hosting a boutique. This is an opportunity for artists to sell their iris-themed artwork to the community. The cost of entering the boutique is 20% of all sales and $35 for a full table. The table is 60 inch by 30 inch. Fraction of tables can be reserved. Sorry, free electrical hookup is not available. The hotel will not allow their outlets to be used unless you pay $50 and use their power cords and they have to set it up. The convention hosts, Mesilla Valley Iris Society (MVIS), will use the proceeds to help offset convention costs. The hosts will collect the money from all sales and will send a check for the sales (minus the 20%) to the artists within 3 weeks after the sale.
Set up day is Monday, April 11, 2022 from 9AM to 4PM at the Hotel Encanto, San Rafael room. It will be in the same room as the Silent Auction. Details about registration is forthcoming on the convention website. Note, that the number of all tables is limited, and artists are limited to one table. All artists will have to sign a document stating that the Hotel Encanto and MVIS are not responsible for theft, loss, or damage. The artists do not have to attend the convention or even come to NM. The artists can send the artwork to convention co-chair Scarlett Ayres and MVIS will display the artwork for the artists. Unsold items will be returned to the artists and the profits will be reduced by the price of shipping.
It will be 3 years since a convention was held and who knows what artwork people completed while they were staying home. It should be exciting. Click below to reserve a table for the boutique using either the pdf or Word document.
Boutique table registration form
You can pay for the table online here after October 7:
Tentative schedule
Monday: Setup 9AM-4PM
Tuesday: Setup 12PM – 3PM, Open 3PM-5PM
Wednesday: Open 12PM-6PM
Thursday: Last day of sale 6PM-7:45PM, Tear Down 7:45PM-9PM
Friday: Tear down 3:30PM-5:30PM
Be sure to also send the table registration form to Patricia. If you don’t want to pay online, you can send a check to Patricia or Debbie, the convention registrar

This iris quilt is made by EVIS members. Raffle tickets will be sold at the convention. The quilt is 108” wide X 86” long. There are 12 blocks 21” square. The tickets are $10 each and will be available for purchase at the AIS National Convention boutique in Las Cruces in April. The quilt will be on display in the boutique/silent auction room. Tickets will be available for purchase at the cashier’s table. For further information please contact Patricia Randall, EVIS President at (505) 463-5835 or by email at patannran@hotmail.com.