Steve Kelly
Steve has been hybridizing for less that 15 years. He has introduced many irises that are popular. Sunglasses Needed was voted “Peoples Choice” in one of MVIS shows. Here are Steve’s words on how he got started in hybridizing.
My first attempt at hybridizing was in 2007. I didn’t know what I was doing and later found out I was doing it all wrong… wonder I never saw a seed pod. I attended the national iris convention in Austin in 2008 and came back all jazzed up and ready to try it again.
Knowing that I had been unsuccessful the prior year, I enlisted Elouise Young from our club to show me how to do it correctly. She has had experience in hybridizing so was able to show me the correct way. There were not many iris still blooming in my yard at this time, but I crossed the few that were left. This resulted in 105 seedlings that were planted in May of 2009 and bloomed for the first time in the Spring of 2010. The next year I was more selective in my crosses and was able to do more. I planted 207 seedlings that bloomed for the first time in the Spring of 2011.
The following year as a result of an unusually cold February, I had very few seeds that sprouted from last year’s crosses. They were planted in the ground this May and we will waited until next April to see the results.
I have made 6 iris beds (over 1000 square feet) at a friend’s home in Dona Ana where all of the seedlings are planted..