About US
The American Iris Society (AIS) is a nonprofit institution incorporated February 2, 1927, for the sole purpose of promoting the culture and improvement of the Iris. AIS is divided into 24 geographic Regions. Region 23 is comprised of the entire state of New Mexico. The landscape ranges from the Chihuahuan desert to the Rocky mountains.
AIS Region 23 consists of five affiliates or clubs:
- Albuquerque and Aril Iris Society (AAIS) located in Albuquerque
- Enchanted Vista Iris Society (EVIS) located in Rio Rancho
- Mesilla Valley Iris Society (MVIS) located in Las Cruces
- Pecos Valley Iris Society (PVIS) located in Roswell
- Santa Fe Iris Society (SFIS) located in Santa Fe
The purpose of The American Iris Society and Region 23 is to stimulate and foster interest in horticultural pursuits, conservation and protection of irises; to educate the public and encourage young growers. This includes
- Compilation of data concerning the cultivars that rebloom in New Mexico.
- Encouraging hybridizing of new cultivars.
- Education of the public through local shows.
- Education of the public through local, regional, and national meetings open to the public.
- Education of the public through presentations to other garden clubs or at community events.
- Growing Iris growers by giving irises to schools and youngsters.
- Development and maintenance of public display iris gardens.

Join or Visit
To join a local iris society or for more information about local shows and events, please visit that affiliates web page. The five affiliates web pages are located at the top menu. All clubs welcome visitors to our meetings, so just find the day and location of a meeting and join us! If you have questions, contact the local society near you.