Santa Fe Iris Society
The SFIS show will be held on 18 May 2024 at the De Vargas mall.
Santa Fe Iris Society is at a higher elevation than the other clubs in New Mexico. Both the summers and winters are cooler. SFIS gardeners can crow Japanese irises unlike the other NM clubs. Their territory covers a large area with many micro-weather conditions. They usually always have a show, even when part of the territory is having bad winter weather.
SFIS often bring leading hybridizers from all over the country to give judges training.
We had a successful Iris Show on May 21, 2023. We will have an Iris Rhizome Sale on August 3, 2024.
In the past, SFIS have teamed up with the Summit Garden club of Los Alamos to have workshops at the local Farmers Market. SFIS has a thriving club garden, under the supervision of Marilyn Bennett. Several members gave of their time to weed the garden and new irises added. This garden is at the end of a city park and surrounded by homes. Every time we work in the garden people come by and thank us as well as giving us a thumbs up.
In fact, SFIS was instrumental in bringing internationally well known iris hybridizer Barry Blyth in 2005 to both Santa Fe and Albuquerque for education and judges training.
Barry feels his expertise lies in garden judging, especially in selecting seedlings, and we all know his talents in this field! He provided information about selecting parents for hybridizing and why he uses certain things, and why he avoids others. He says “I suppose after looking at 5,000 to 15,000 seedlings every year for the last 50 years, I have some definite views even if lots of people do not agree.” After seeing all of the exotic beauties he has introduced over the course of years, who are we to dispute that talent?

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