Enchanted Vista Iris Society
The Enchanted Vista Iris Society (EVIS) show is on Saturday, May 3, 2025, Sabana Grande Recreation Center 4110 Sabana Grande Avenue, SE, Rio Rancho, NM.
The iris rhizome sale is at 4110 Sabana Grande Avenue, Rio Rancho, New Mexico, August 30, 2025
The sale is open to the public 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon Potted Iris at $7.00 each and iris rhizomes $2 to $7 will be available.
Enchanted Vista Iris Society formed in 2011. Their chief goal is to promote the genus iris through educational programs for their members and the general public. They host an annual iris show to promote the beloved iris. Their shows are not only open to member participation but for the general public as well.
It has been such a pleasure to finally be back on track with our regularly scheduled calendar of monthly meetings and the joy of sharing time with our great iris group. We hold monthly meetings at the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, 1701 Tulip Road, SE Rio Rancho, NM The meetings begin at 2:00 PM. Following our regular business meeting we often provide educational programs regarding all phases of iris.
Meeting schedule: February 11, March 10, April 14, May No Meeting, June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8, October 13, November No Meeting. Our year concludes with our Holiday Potluck Party and White Elephant Gift Exchange on December 8.
Our program schedule once again was jam packed with various subjects of iris development and culture. Some of our programs that are presented by our AIS certified judges also provide a one hour credit judge’s training session.
Our September meetings are reserved for our Annual Iris Show award presentations (potted irises) and Member Potted Iris Raffle drawing. The September meetings provides a great time for the Show Awards and Iris Raffle and highly anticipated suspense of which new iris the clubs will be picking for the awards. Several years ago, EVIS voted to discontinue awarding show winners with iris artifacts, but rather to receive a new iris for their efforts. After all, irises are and always will be what the club is about anyway. Lots of fun enjoyed by all, and new beauties to add to our gardens.
In October we end our round of monthly meetings with an afternoon filled with Fun and Games and prizes. No meeting is held in November. Our year is ended with our annual Holiday Potluck and White Elephant Gift Exchange in December. A great meeting enjoyed by all.
EVIS begins meetings with education programs provided via guest speakers or AIS digital presentation. Over the years EVIS have had many programs on growing irises like “Growing Louisiana Irises”, “Container Gardening with Irises”, “Dividing irises” and artistic arrangements.
Our society sponsors a Commemorative Iris Garden located on Pine Tree Drive, just north of the Rio Rancho Post Office. The garden is dedicated to our veterans and first responders. Irises featuring patriotic themed names were purchased or donated to EVIS to emphasize their goal of recognizing and honoring our veterans and first responders. I.e. the garden contains “Lest We Forget” by Sutton Iris Gardens which is the well-known motto of the Veterans Organization.
EVIS has in the past hosted judges training on Arilbreds and Miniature Tall Bearded Irises.

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