Patricia Randall
She is the first in New Mexico to get her emeritus status as a judge! She has been an AIS member since 1976. Before New Mexico, she organized the Trails West Iris Society and was president for 7 years. Together with U. of Nebraska staff, she established public iris display garden at the Panhandle Station of Scottsbluff, NE, which is still in existence. She has held many positions with the AAIS and has been RVP for Region 23. She has started the Enchanted Vista Iris Society and has been its RVP. She has been Newsletter Editor of the Aril Society International for 9 years, AIS Corresponding Secretary for 3 years, director of the Tall Bearded Iris Society and Region 23 Newsletter Editor for 13 years. She is presently Region 23 Judges Chairman and provided classroom and garden Judges’ Training sessions multiple times in many U.S. locations.