After a long wait, it is nearly that time again to finally attend another AIS National Convention and the excitement is building! This year Region 23 is reinstating the silent auction. Mesilla Valley Iris Society and Region 23 would like to ask the Regions to help us raise funds at the 2022 AIS Convention in Las Cruces, NM. Everyone, please go through your closets, your garage, your stored boxes, your basements or declutter, and consider donating your clean treasures of any kind for the Silent Auction! There are people who love iris, people who love iris books, people who love iris dishes, people who love iris clothing, people who love old iris catalogs, people who love gardening items, people who love IRIS ANYTHING! Many come to the AIS Convention Silent Auction to find those special treasures they have been looking for and can take them home to enjoy. It will be 3 years since the AIS had a national convention.

Hybridizers, please consider donating your newest beautiful iris introductions. We would love to have your iris donations available for our iris lovers! We love you all and thank you in advance for your generosity. Please help our visitors by getting your newest introductions into their hands What iris lover wouldn’t want a chance to get one of your cherished newer introductions? Just let us know and we will create coupons of your iris (or bring your own coupons). Hey, AIS Regions! We are hoping you all are working on putting together your affiliate contribution and donation for “What’s In Your Basket” items. The Regional baskets are a real treat for the attendees at the AIS Convention. We really appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes as an RVP and Region officers to get this basket all together for the silent auction. They are all so unique and everyone enjoys perusing the contents and learning about your Region and part of our great country. Bring the baskets ready to display or mail them to the address below. Please be sure to put a note inside the mailing box and send Eva an email that you are sending them. We also need notice for those baskets that will be brought to the convention to add to the Silent Auction items to help us allocate space for them. Shipping information for auction items: Send UPS and USPS shipments to AIS Silent Auction, c/o Debbie Frazier 3812 Yellowstone Drive Las Cruces, NM 88011. Auction donations can be sent/received any time but please… the sooner, the better! It would be helpful if you email a list of items being donated to Debbie Frasier ( If you have any questions please call or email Debbie, (406) 930-1155. |