Dated March 11, 2022
With the emergence of the Omicron variant, we want to update you on the Covid-19 Protocols to ensure you have a safe, and enjoyable convention. We understand that guidelines are changing rapidly, and we will make every effort to keep this page updated as new information arises. New Mexico has dropped its indoor mask mandate. However, as we are an older population, many of us with medical conditions, we strongly encourage continued mask wearing, particularly in settings where there are close contacts. People on buses are still required to wear masks as mandated by the TSA until April 18.
Proof of a negative COVID-19 test is not required to attend the convention. We strongly recommend that all attendees be fully vaccinated prior to attending. Vaccines not only help stop the spread; they have also proved incredibly effective in virtually eliminating the most serious COVID health risks for most people. Masks will be required on the bus.
The Mesilla Valley Iris Society will follow the rules issued by the New Mexico Department of Health. NMDOH holds a press conference on Wednesdays to update everyone on the status of COVID. As of yesterday, NMDOH indoor mask requirement has been dropped except for hospitals and such. NM is very conservative with masks requirements, so we are very happy state officials feel comfortable to drop the masks requirements is most places. I think we were the last state in the continental US to do so.
At the current time, there is no restriction on group sizes. There is also no mandatory requirement for groups to require vaccinations or negative COVID tests, though NMDOH is suggesting that group organizers consider it. Dona Ana County, where Las Cruces is located, currently has a high vaccination rate.
The highlight of the convention will be the garden tours. If COVID is still active, keep in mind that outdoor activities are safer than indoor ones. In your swag bag, you will find three 3-ply masks. Please wear them each day on the buses. You are also encouraged to bring additional higher quality masks with you to increase your protection. Masks are now optional for indoor meetings and banquets. The missile range dropped their mask mandate this week. Please wear masks if you feel vulnerable. We will follow CDC guidelines at the time of the convention and buses still require masks.
If anyone feels sick, the Foothills Medical Center, which is adjacent to the hotel, provides COVID-19 tests. The Medical Center takes COVID-19 testing walk-ins! They prefer appointments. The time it takes to get the results depends upon the type of test. Please note that you are required to stay in the car (or stay outside if you walked over) and call when you arrive. Don’t enter the building. Bring your ID and insurance card. It is next to the hotel (see map). There is also an urgent care facility on site.
- 3530 Foothills Rd, Unit N
- tel:+1 575-532-6054
- Hours 8AM- 4PM M-F. Closed Sat and Sun.
If you need to get tested, we request you quarantine in your room until you get your test results. Let the hotel staff know if the results are positive. The hotel does not have a doctor on call. If you need to quarantine at the hotel, the hotel will not clean your room but can run meals up to your door. Your room will be professionally cleaned after you leave. Also call Scarlett Ayres at 575-621-0171 or Howie Dash at 575-652-7550.
The NM Department of Health (DOH) encourages New Mexicans to seek COVID-19 treatment options as soon as possible following the first symptoms of illness, to significantly reduce the risk of hospitalization. Most New Mexicans qualify for outpatient COVID-19 treatment options that can be taken at home, especially those at high-risk for severe COVID-19 disease. However, in the last two weeks, individuals have used less than 19% of the state’s oral treatment supply. So, there are plenty of treatments available. For more information:
After some consideration and concerns, the MVIS will not provide COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test rapid response kits. The tests at Foothills Medical Center are more accurate than the rapid response kits. The government is providing free test kits. Bring one with you.
The Mesilla Valley Iris Society loves the iris community and wants to provide a safe setting for AIS 2022 National Convention. We prefer everyone in attendance to be vaccinated and boosted. Remember, we are an older population and some of us are immuno-compromised. Please respect one another.
The convention is still almost four months away. A lot can change by then. News reports today stated that the Omicron variant should peak in January/February and be in decline in March. We will update you as the convention gets closer. In the meantime, please refer to this COVID-19 page on the convention website which will be updated regularly as necessary.
See the NM dashboards on the virus.
CDC guidelines, presently include the following:
- Wear masks while in the presence of others.
- Maintain physical distance as recommended by CDC guidelines based on your risk level. Wash hands frequently and minimize touch-point contact.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Hand sanitizing stations will be setup throughout the convention and gardens.
Another place for walk-ins is:
Pathology Consultants of New Mexico
- 1160 Commerce Dr. NE Suite A, Las Cruces
- Types: Drive-thru
- Weekdays 7 a.m.– 4 p.m.
- Contact Info: Call or text 575-622-5600
There is a medical ride service at “My Ride”, 575-382-7433. However, they don’t do rides for people infected with COVID and are only for non-emergency. They prefer advance notice, but they suggested to please just call if you need a non-emergency medical ride not related to COVID.
Hope to see you in Las Cruces!